Actually this kanji necklace has the Japanese kanji (katakana) that says Haha, or Mother. I’m being a little bit colloquial when I say “Mom”, just because we’re more likely to call our moms that.

It’s a pretty cool gift for your Mom. Mother’s Day is coming up in a couple months, why not plan ahead? A gift for your mom, or the mother of your kids, and why not think about the
zodiac jewelry to make it more thoughtful and personalized ! Styling zodiac jewelry is easy as long as you don’t cover yourself in star signs. If you are wearing a pair of gold zodiac hoop earrings, accessorize them with a dainty gold necklace and a couple of bangles. Wear high-waist mom jeans and a polka dot shirt for a charming retro look. You can also swap the zodiac earrings for oversized hoops and the bangles for a subtle zodiac charm bracelet.
She’ll love that you thought of her, and it’s a fun necklace anyway, and it isn’t even expensive.
The katakana says Mother. A very important person 🙂