I know, it’s nowhere near Christmas. But that’s the best time to think of DIY stuff – because then you have time to actually do it, when you get in the mood. And these ornaments are so cute!

As you’ll see when you click on the link, I found this super idea on Pinterest. The day I found it, the link didn’t actually work, so I haven’t investigated what else can be found on the original site, Moms Need To Know Blog. I’ll bet there are some goodies though – she thought of the cookie cutters idea and it is very cool!
There are no instructions on the pic itself, so we’re ad libbing here – but that’s all right. You could just tape your fave pics inside the cookie cutters – or use any pretty paper (recycled is better, of course!). Or follow the idea of a couple shown here, and use family photos! Talk about special ornaments for your tree, or for gifts for your sibs, or kids, or Mom.
To hang the ornaments, you could drill a hole in the top of the (thrift store) cookie cutter, or just tie on a ribbon, or use raffia, or, well, try a few experiments! Have fun. Make them unique and your very own – and share with loved ones. That’s the best Christmas ornament there is!