A bucket, you say? Now wait, it is MUCH cooler than you’re thinking. 🙂
If you’re like me, you always need places to PUT things. You need to get more organized. You don’t want to spend a lot of money but you want whatever it is that’s doing the organizing, to look good. And you’d be thrilled to do it yourself – if you just knew how.
So take a look at this absolutely terrific burlap “bucket” – container – catchall – magazine holder – tote – you name it:

DIY Burlap Bucket or Tote – PDF Instructions from Designsmayamde on Etsy
No this is not my idea – this is a wonderful tutorial available for only $9.00 from Designsmayamade on Etsy
Think how many ways you could use this. In every room – in colors made to coordinate and look good with what you’ve already got. You can do it yourself. You could use all kind of great recycled fabrics!
And she offers online help if you need it!